Sunday, November 06, 2005

Dancing in our Dens

Time too much has been spent
on the Human Animals and their Travails

One might fall into the
Illusion That "They" are the Center of the Universe.

Well known it is though,
Lemmings are the Center of the Universe.

We ruled the Earth. It was constructed for us.

The Intelligent Design of
Our Labyrinths of Prosperity
Prove the Point.

Happy Times are Here Again in the West Culture Digs
We prepare to give thanks for the Bounitful Harvest
of Consummmable Goods and Goodies
passed down to us from the "Invisible Claw".

Fred FlintStem and his neighbor Brainless Barney
are this day celebrating with their She-Lemms,
Will-be-mother and Bettie-bye,
the glorious coming of the Retail Splurge Season,

Merry Times are wished for All.
And to all a Merry Mindless Mortgage Engorgement Season!!!

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